Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's (Un)Official: QbD Moving at a Snail's Pace

Okay, 17 responses to a poll does not a scientific study make. But our highly unofficial survey of blog visitors on the progress of QbD does at least suggest that the QbD movement is taking its own sweet time, in your opinion. Here are the numbers:

What's your assessment of QbD in the pharma industry now?

Moving at a snail's pace (12): 70%
Has a healthy momentum (3): 17%
Really starting to snowball (0): 0%
Moving, but in the wrong direction (2): 11%

We'll do some more unofficial polling over the course of the next few months to explore the reasons that QbD as snail is triumphing over QbD as snowball.

--Paul Thomas

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